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The key question here is, “What direction do you choose?” It’s been said, “If you don’t choose a different direction, you will probably end up where you are headed!” Where are you headed? Is this where you wanna go? It’s also been said, “if you don’t pick a direction, you will probably end up somewhere else!” Spend the time figuring out where you wanna go. Use the brains in your head for this step. Next, load up your compass and get moving (feet and steering.) Check regularly to make sure you are on track – readjust accordingly. Enjoy the journey!  Peace, John

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This is a variation on a joke I sometimes share with my clients: did you hear about the butcher who backed into the meat grinder, and got a little “behind” in his work? 😊 Truthfully, when the last time you thought about how you manage your time, your “to do” list and your goals?  Do you use a calendar?  Digital?  Daily or weekly planner?  Do you bother to write things down that you want to do when you think of them?  Do you take a little time each week and each month to review what you’ve accomplished and where you are headed?  I’m always looking for a more efficient way to track my “to do” tasks.  I’ve literally checked out and used at least a dozen time management “to do” apps over the last 6-7 years.  I’m still looking, hoping to increase my efficiency and shave off wasted time.  If you’re interested in managing your time better, I’d be happy to chat with you briefly.  Let me know.  I have a variety of time management forms, schedules, calendars, to do lists, tips that I’m willing to share.  I’ve learned that a little time invested in managing your time saves gobs of time, and reaps many benefits.  Someone once said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail!  Peace, John

How to leave a comment on this blog: 

First, make sure that you are on the actual blog:  (this is important if you are viewing the Touchpoints blog post on Facebook, LinkedIn, other locations or, if it has been forwarded to you by someone else). Above the picture and/or quote there is a title and a date. Just below that, in small print, are the categories and the tags. These are helpful if you’re using the search feature. At the end of those there are the words, “leave a comment.” Click on that and follow the directions. Once you have typed your comment and click send, I will be notified and approve the comment before it will be visible to all. Please let me know if you have any trouble with this. 

Image result for “ADHD: I have more thoughts before breakfast than most people have all day”

There are three types of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder): inattentive, hyperactive and combined.  Inattentive means the person has difficulty maintaining focus or attention.  Their mind wanders frequently and they usually have a hard time getting back on track.  That’s usually the reason for “more thoughts before breakfast.”  The hyperactive type is constantly moving.  I can be in a church or auditorium and, by observation, can usually pick out people who are likely to have the hyperactive form.  Their hands and head are frequently moving, they rock and tap their feet incessantly.  The combined type has both.  Assessment is available.  Diagnosis frequently gets confused with anxiety and bipolar disorder.  An assessment by a clinician, medicator or psychiatrist is usually considered and treatment is available. 

ADHD never takes a day off!

There is a lot of information out there on the Internet.  We used to think that adults had outgrown the disorder.  We now know that many adults have adapted.  Untreated, ADHD can lead to frustration, anger, poor ability to learn and difficulties communicating  in relationships, both personal and at work.   If you think you or someone you love may have ADHD, why not reach out, get some more information, and perhaps arrange an evaluation?

Peace, John

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Image result for our prayers may be awkward our attempts may be feeble

I used to think that I wanted to pray like a fella in my prayer group. When I shared that with him, he set me straight. He told me that my “talk time” with God was not supposed to be like his.  He then told me whatever I had to offer to God in prayer was 100% acceptable to God.  It took a long time of thinking about that and coming to believe it.

Sometime later I spoke with a trusted spiritual guide.  I shared with her that I felt guilty for not taking the time to pray the way I thought I should. She asked what I meant and I told her that I had good intentions of setting aside time but then I got caught up in the things of the day, my work and didn’t get to it.  I did tell her that I prayed in church and sometimes with certain clients.  She asked me if I had conscious awareness of God throughout my day. I told her yes, that often I think of Him in the “inter-stitches” during the day, times between activities, times when I’m in my car, and times when I’m in transitions. She simply said to me, “That’s prayer!” I was taken aback, but as I reflected on it, I realized she was right. She also told me not to worry about the structure and the amount of time. She also asked how God communicates with me. I told her in different ways – sometimes an idea in my head (“aha”), sometimes something from my reading, sometimes in a song or the words of another person, sometimes in what I see and, at times, just a sensation in my heart.  She also pronounced this as fine and told me I was on the right track.  I was relieved, but it still took me a while to work this through and to let some of the guilt dissipate for not doing it “the right way.”

“The power is in the One who hears it.”  The receiver has all the power. He is a better listener than I!  He hears and knows everything, even my weak and sometimes infrequent attempts to communicate with Him.  He loves me just as I am, with all my shortcomings, blemishes and character defects – I’m still trying to wrap my head around that one!  He doesn’t judge – He just loves me for who I am.

Be mindful of God’s presence in your life and you are already praying.  Your prayers are not wasted.  Be humble, contrite, thankful and ask on behalf of your self, and others. When in doubt, to paraphrase Mother Teresa, “Pray anyway!”

                             The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey     

A man and his son headed to market with their donkey. A man on a horse passed them and asked, “Why aren’t you riding your donkey?” The man placed his son on the donkey, and they continued on their way. They passed by a family working in their fields. A young girl said. “Look at that lazy boy riding while his father is walking.”  The man told his son to get off the donkey, and he climbed on. They passed a group of women and one said, “What a selfish man, making his son walk while he rides.”  The man asked his son to climb up on the donkey with him. They passed a traveler on the road, who said, “That poor donkey is carrying too much weight.”  Not knowing what to do, the man and his son began to carry the donkey. But the donkey kicked so violently they released their hold and the donkey ran away.  The moral of the story: “In striving to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.” Striving to be a people-pleaser can make you feel as if what you are doing is never right, and you lose your ability to make your own decision.                

I will choose to do what is right for me.

            taken from the book: Morning Light by Amy E. Dean

How soon did you know where this story was leading? Which role have you played? The man? The son? Perhaps the donkey?? Maybe one of those they met along the way??? People-pleasing doesn’t get you anywhere – you subordinate yourself, your needs and wishes and put somebody ahead of you all the time. It keeps you burdened down, the issues in your life blurred and your ability to set and meet your goals in serious question. As we head into the start of 2015 whose donkey have you been carrying? Why? And what do you need to do about it to get yourself back on track?

May you & your loved ones have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Peace,   John  

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