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Image result for “ADHD: I have more thoughts before breakfast than most people have all day”

There are three types of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder): inattentive, hyperactive and combined.  Inattentive means the person has difficulty maintaining focus or attention.  Their mind wanders frequently and they usually have a hard time getting back on track.  That’s usually the reason for “more thoughts before breakfast.”  The hyperactive type is constantly moving.  I can be in a church or auditorium and, by observation, can usually pick out people who are likely to have the hyperactive form.  Their hands and head are frequently moving, they rock and tap their feet incessantly.  The combined type has both.  Assessment is available.  Diagnosis frequently gets confused with anxiety and bipolar disorder.  An assessment by a clinician, medicator or psychiatrist is usually considered and treatment is available. 

ADHD never takes a day off!

There is a lot of information out there on the Internet.  We used to think that adults had outgrown the disorder.  We now know that many adults have adapted.  Untreated, ADHD can lead to frustration, anger, poor ability to learn and difficulties communicating  in relationships, both personal and at work.   If you think you or someone you love may have ADHD, why not reach out, get some more information, and perhaps arrange an evaluation?

Peace, John

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