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How do you deal with failure? Do you feel lousy and then just quit? If you do, you’ll never succeed! I’ve learned that most bruises heal. You need to be careful around them and not get yourself bruised again. It helps if you revisit your goal. Look at why you didn’t succeed, i.e. what caused the bruise and, modify your next try. Tattoos are more permanent; You can learn from failures. Your bruises will heal. Remember, if at first you don’t succeed, learn from your failure, and try, try again. Persistence.  Peace, John 

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YPF a Twitter: "Your mind is a magnet. If you think of blessings, You  attract blessings: And if you think of problems, You attract problems.  Always cultivate good thoughts and always remain

Karma, the Law of Attraction and a few other quotes come to mind.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.”  ~Proverbs 23:7,

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”  ~ William Shakespeare (Hamlet, I believe),

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right!” ~Henry Ford

The take away from the above quotes is a warning to be careful about what you think.  One last quote for today, I remember hearing but don’t remember the source: “If you knew how powerful your thoughts were, you would never have another negative one! Think about it!  Peace, John

I invite you to become a guest blogger.  It’s easy – find a quote that speaks to you and write a few sentences about it and what it means to you, or what it means in general. Send it all to me in an email with subject line reading “Guest blogger.”  I will review and publish it, with gratitude, and with the hope that others will benefit from it as well. If you need some help, I can furnish you with a quote or several to pick from – I have hundreds of them. Let me know.   Peace,  John  

Image result for there is a fountain inside you

What do you think about yourself?  That’s more important than what others think of you.  A great person once said, “As you thinketh, so it is.”  Be careful what you think.  You  are the sum total of all your life experiences, behaviors, thoughts and feelings to date.  How can that be empty?  That’s your starting point.  The empty bucket means you’re hoping to fill up from the outside.   Discard the bucket.  Let your waters flow;  be your self!  Know that you are enough!  You can engineer your future!  Choose wisely!

Peace, John

We now have 3 guest blogs in the hopper.  Look for them soon, mid-week.  You too can be a guest blogger.  Help us build our stash! Find a quote that speaks to you and write a few sentences about it and what it means to you. Send it all to me in an email with subject line reading “Guest blogger.”  I will review and publish it, with gratitude, and with the hope that others will benefit from it as well.   Peace,  John  


Image result for never again will i underestimate

Think about it – “the greatness inside…”

Have you underestimated it?  Has your focus been on others and have you given them the power to define you?  Are you tired of falling short?  Ugh!  If you don’t give them the power, then you will be reclaiming it for yourself and then you get to estimate your greatness.  Be careful not to estimate based on what you do or have done.  Base it on who you are.

Watch out for the trap of focusing on who other people are and what they are telling you about yourself.  Their “hate” and “limited thinking” is their agenda.  In the end, you are responsible for you.

I believe greatness exists within each one of us.  Spirit/God is everywhere.  This includes within us and part of us. I have been privileged to help some people realize and begin to remove obstacles that block their perception of their true value.  In so doing many have discovered, with humility, their true value.  It’s a better place than the put downs and inferiority complexes they learned.

Is it time for you to more clearly define your agenda?  Make sure that today it starts with the unique, wonderful and talented person that you are!  Yes, YOU ARE! 

Peace, John

“Time is the coin of your life.
It is the only coin
you have,
and only you
can determine
how it will be spent.
Be careful
lest you let other people
spend it for you.”    

                                                                   ~~ Carl Sandburg

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